Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Eyes are Windows to the Soul

I just created a Pinterest board called "Windows to the Soul", consisting of the beautiful faces of God's children. A special feeling comes when you look into people's eyes! Wow!

You can just see the Light of Christ in their eyes. It reminds you that no matter our differences, we are all beautiful children of God. 
(I got these pictures from Pinterest.)

I Need to Go to Bed Haha....

It's 1:00am and I am WIDE awake as usual! I probably could have fallen asleep earlier this time.....but I suddenly had this strong urge to start a blog. So here I am haha! I don't know exactly what my purpose is for this blog, other than something fun to do with my time and yet another way I can share my beliefs with the world. I might never get more than 1 follower, but at least that one person (probably my sister) will get to see some uplifting posts! ;)

I am super new to the blog world and have no idea what I am doing. I hope I can figure this out because it seems really fun! :)

Well....that's all for now! Hopefully I can fall asleep soon. That would be a good thing.

Goodnight! :)